every mountain, every face
Brand campaign launching Rossignols new visual direction in the global winter movie 2023. The campaign was shot with eight real characters in eight different ski communities around the world. From Lebanon to Japan, from Austria to Greece, from Switzerland to Canada and France. The whole campaign plays with the feeling of anticipation for the next winter. A feeling that unites winter sports enthusiasts all around the world.

At Rossignol, for over a hundred years we’ve watched people from all different cultures live out the same giant love for sliding down snow. That’s because it’s universally amazing, no matter where you are or who you are. From Japan to Canada, Greece to Austria, the Middle East to the Midwest, the anticipation of winter is the same. On every mountain, every face, winter is an expression of pure joy.
Creative Direction: Philipp Becker
Camera: Philipp Becker, Joscha Kotlan, Lutz Stautner, Joel Fuller, Jake Forsythe
Photo: Carlos Blanchard, Maxim B. Vidricaire,
Cast: Meg Cummings, Sam Tuff, Tessa Treadway, Bernhand Braun, Yusuke Otani, Serena Mubarak, Genevieve & PJ Pridger, George
Edit: Joscha Kotlan, Philipp Becker
Color: Johannes Müller
Production Company: El Flamingo GmbH