what moves you?

what moves you?
This story is focused on the opportunities a van like the V-Class can open up for a mountainbiker. The film follows a rider who uses the car to escape from different things like the wet british winter but also the routines of everyday life. To be honest a van is essential for a lot of cyclists. This is the story of Harry Barrett. He is more than passionate about the sport and travels a lot to ride bikes and meet people. In this case is longtime friend Ben Winder, who lives in Finale Ligure (IT). The spot is not about pure performance, i´s about the life lessons a bike can teach you and how it can help you to change your perspective.
Creative Direction: Philipp Becker, Johannes Müller
Camera: Johannes Müller
Photo: Carlos F. Laser
Cast: Harry Barrett, Ben Winder
Edit: Johannes Müller
Color: Johannes Müller
Soundtrack: Fabian Siethoff
Production Company: El Flamingo GmbH