„Never in my life I thought I would be surfing with snow on the beach“ States the balinese surfer Marlon Gerber, as he enters the icy beach in the Arctic North of Norway. He is here to visit Scandinavian surfer Tim Latte and experience the other side of surfing. The cold side. No palm trees. No coconuts. No board shorts. It ́s a clash of climates.

The special weather conditions in Lofoten were sometimes quite challenging for both the surfers and the media team. The filmmakers of El Flamingo and photographer Sebi Drews spent two weeks in February 2019 inside and outside the water to capture this story.

directed & produced by: El Flamingo
presented by: Kona Brewing Co.
supported by: Arctic Coworking Lodge, Nordic Surfers Mag
photos: Sebastian Drews
soundtrack: Fabian Siethoff, Musicbed